Check out this fun Arlandria event planned for Sunday, July 20th.
In addition to ride below, the Four Mile Run Farmers & Artisans Market is throwing in a little pre-ride incentive for riders:
Any kid who shows up with a bike at 4MRMarket on Sunday morning on the way to the Kidical Mass ride (just a short trip away via the Four Mile Run Trail) can be entered into drawing for either a $5 4MRMarket Token or a 4MRMarket t-shirt (sizes limited).Conveniently, for those who arrive by around 10am, Alexandria's own Ella Sophia will be performing on the 4MR Stage.
The Four Mile Run Farmers & Artisans Market is open every Sunday from 9am-1pm from April til November at 4109 Mt Vernon Avenue. 4MRMarket is accessible via the Four Mile Run trails. Bike (and car) parking is available.
The market is also served by the 10A & 10B MetroBuses (and they have bike racks too).
Kidically Arlandria: Kidical Mass Alexandria joins the party!

When: Sunday, July 20, 2014 11:00am (roll out 11:15am - come early to play!)
Meet: Playground behind the Harris Teeter at the Eclipse, Potomac Yard, Arlington -- near South Glebe Road and Potomac Avenue, Arlington
Parking: At the Eclipse, off of South Glebe Road between Jefferson Davis Hwy/Rte 1 and Potomac Ave
Lunch (optional): We the Pizza -- 2100 Crystal Drive, Arlington
Route: - through Alexandria!
We start off in Arlington, at the playground behind the Eclipse, Potomac Yards (it's the building with the Harris Teeter at Route 1 and South Glebe Road).
Some folks will pre-stage at Four Mile Run Market but then we'll meet at 11am (we roll out about 15 minutes late, to give kids some time to play, put on sunscreen, etc) and roll down through the exploding retail of Potomac Yards, then around the leafy neighborhoods of Del Ray. After passing some great parks and exploring some fun trails, we'll roll back into Arlington and back to the playground.
Those who want to continue on can join us in Crystal City for some yummy We the Pizza (we should get there around noon, in case you'd like to have others meet us there).
All are welcome. This route will be about 4 miles, and flat as a pancake.
It's always exciting when a family grows, and we are so happy to welcome Kidical Mass Alexandria to the extended family!
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