Along the George Washington Memorial Parkway, Dominion and its partner Pepco envision enlarging the existing substation on the former GenOn power plant. While they don't expect to expand the property, the substation itself would expand within the existing property and take up much of its space, bringing it closer to the park's roadway.
Along South Glebe Road, however, Dominion has indicated that more property will be needed to host an expanded substation. From their website:
Work at Dominion’s Glebe Substation will require construction inside an expanded footprint to accommodate a new line and new equipment to support reliability needs to local residents and businesses.Dominion is offering the chance for the public to engage with them regarding the proposal. They are hosting an informational open house to learn more about proposed plans to add a new 230kV electric transmission line between its Glebe Substation, located at the intersection of S. Glebe Road and S. Eads Street in Arlington County, and Pepco’s Potomac River Substation at the intersection of Slaters Lane and E. Abingdon Drive in the City of Alexandria.
While there will not be a formal presentation, the public is welcome to speak with subject matter experts who will be available to answer specific questions:
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (drop by anytime during these hours)
Mount Vernon Community School
2601 Commonwealth Avenue
Alexandria, VA
Late last Spring, Dominion Virginia Power has approached the City of Alexandria regarding Dominion’s proposal to construct a new 230-kilovolt underground transmission line between Alexandria and Arlington in the vicinity of Jefferson Davis Highway and Potomac Yard. The project enlarge and upgrade equipment at the existing switching station on E. Abingdon Drive in Alexandria, and connect it to the Glebe Substation on S. Glebe Road in Arlington.
On September 11th, the City's newly formed Underground Transmission Line and Substation Working Group held its first meeting to examine the effects of the proposal. Dominion Virginia Power identified nine preliminary alignments for the new transmission line connecting these two substations. Dominion indicated that they intend to file with the State Corporation Commission by the end of November for the project.
Dominion Virginia Power will hold a public information meeting on Wednesday, October 1st from 5-8pm at the Mount Vernon School (Community Room) located at 2601 Commonwealth Ave.
For more info see the project page on the City's website: